Attendance And Leave Policy

Absence Disrupts Learning: At JAY TECH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, we understand that absence from school disrupts the continuity of a child's learning process. We value regular attendance to ensure students receive a well-rounded education.

Guardians' Responsibility: It is the duty of guardians to inform the school in advance about their ward's absence from school. We encourage open communication to facilitate a smooth learning experience.

Attendance Requirement: All students, regardless of grade, are required to maintain a minimum of 85% attendance during the academic term.

Exception for Medical Grounds: Students with less than 85% attendance will be permitted to appear for the final examination only on medical grounds. In such cases, a valid medical certificate is required.

Leave for One Day:

For a single day's absence, an application must be submitted to the class teacher at least one day in advance.

In case of an emergency, the application with the reason for absence must be produced when the student returns to school the next day.

Parents should use the provided "RECORD FOR NON ATTENDANCE" format in the School Diary.

Short Leave Policy:

Once a student attends school, short leave will not be granted. In case of an emergency, the child should be escorted home by the parent with written permission from the principal.

Leave for More Than One Day:

Students on leave for more than one day must provide an authentic reason for their absence. Students on leave for more than 3 days due to illness must submit a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner when rejoining school. Consecutive Absence: Absence without permission for more than 3 consecutive days may result in the student's name being struck off the rolls. Re-admission may be granted only at the discretion of the principal.

We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to our attendance and leave policy, as it helps maintain a conducive learning environment for all our students.

Thank you for your understanding and support.