Rules & Regulations

Parents are requested to pay the fee at School office only. Fee payment time: 09:00 am to 03:00 pm

  • If due to any unavoidable reasons, a parent is unable to pay the fee on due date, He/she should make a written request to this effect and submit PDC for the desired date accordingly. In case a cheque bounced, the parents will be informed about it. They will then be asked to pay the fee in cash along with the late payment fee for the period and bouncing charges. These cases will be treated at par with defaulters of late payment fee.
  • If the fee is not paid till due date, late payment fee will be charged.
  • Parent will not claim any interest on caution money which will be refunded when the student leaves the school.
  • For all deliberate damages fixtures / furniture, computers and laboratory equipments,the defaulter will have to pay the actual cost of equipment plus 10% cost as penalty. A letter will be issued by Teacher & the amount is to be paid in the office.
  • It will be parent’s responsibility to obtain proper receipt from accounts department for any payment of fee. The matter should be brought to the notice of authorities in case the receipt is denied.
  • The fee realized in installments does not cover the charges for any extra activities in which child takes part such as picnic, tour, extra coaching, camps, any charges for annual day or other functions. In such cases also, a notice will be sent to parents duly signed by the school authorities.
  • In case of any dispute, the matter will be referred to the managing committee and proper hearing will be given to the parent to present their case, the decision of the managing committee will be final and binding.