Policy On Suspension

At JAY TECH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, we are committed to maintaining a positive and respectful learning environment for all our students. However, in instances where a student's behavior does not align with our established code of conduct, suspension may be considered as a corrective measure. Suspension is a serious step taken with the utmost care and concern for the student's well-being and the well-being of the school community. Below are the grounds upon which a student may be asked to leave the school:

Repeated Tardiness

Coming late to school regularly and without valid reasons is a violation of the school's code of conduct. Punctuality is a fundamental aspect of responsible behavior and ensures the smooth functioning of the school day.

Misuse of School Property

Misusing or vandalizing school property, including equipment, facilities, or materials, is strictly prohibited. Respect for school property is a reflection of respect for one's environment and fellow students.

Disobedience and Misbehavior

Disobedience to school rules and regulations, as well as misbehavior towards teachers, staff, or fellow students, is not tolerated. A respectful and cooperative attitude is essential for a conducive learning environment.

Suspension Process

The decision to suspend a student is made after a thorough investigation of the incident and a consideration of the student's behavior history. Parents or guardians will be informed promptly about the suspension, including its duration and the reasons behind it. During the suspension period, the student is expected to reflect on their actions and work on improving their behavior. The school administration will work with the student and parents to develop a plan for the student's successful return to school. Repeated violations of the code of conduct may result in further disciplinary actions, including expulsion.

Appeal Process

Parents or guardians have the right to appeal the suspension decision by contacting the school's administration and requesting a meeting to discuss the matter further. The appeal process is designed to ensure transparency and fairness in disciplinary actions. We believe that suspension, when necessary, serves as an opportunity for students to reflect, learn, and grow. Our goal is to help students understand the importance of responsible behavior and encourage positive changes.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and productive school environment.